Thursday, January 17, 2008

Could I Possibly Be a Freak Magnet??

There is something so comforting about the fact that, no matter where you live, you will eventually come into contact with the lunatics of the neighborhood. We all know them. They think they are better than all of us "regular" parents. They are the parents who don't let their kids watch TV, the ones who don't let their kids eat sugar, the ones who plan activities that exclude certain kids, the ones whose kids are so scheduled they don't have time for playdates, the ones who hold kids to adult standards and don't give second chances, the kind of parents who believe in tit for tat and pay back every real or imagined slight in kind. We've all met people like that. A mom here, a dad there. Just not necessarily all in a perfectly matched his and hers set. I myself had never met one person who had ALL those characteristics and more. Until today. I can't speak too freely. It might not be safe. Here's one universal truth, though. Remember this. Crazy people don't know they're crazy.


Anonymous said...

OK you have peaked my curiosity - I want to know more - it might mean a phone call. your friend on Sumac

Martwork said...

I'll do anything to keep in touch....

Anonymous said...

This Sh_t is getting serious. Remember, you might need a cup of sugar one day..Oh yah, what am I thinking you have much sweeter friends up and down every block between you and the high school.

Martwork said...

There is a 24 hour grocery right around the corner. I'll never need sugar that badly. Never.

Martwork said...

Here's the thing. Don't piss me off. And don't f**k with my kid.

Anonymous said...

thats why i love you, you don't take any sh_t

WR said...
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Anonymous said...

Great column but you dropped the ball when you mentioned the control freak and didn't expand on that idea. WE WANT MORE. WR

Anonymous said...

As a mother whose kid ate dry Fruit Loops with a
milk chaser while he watched The Today Show before
school this morning, I salute you!

Anonymous said...

You go girl!