Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I Feel The Earth Move......

Where I come from if the whole house starts shaking you look outside to see how windy it is. You usually see the trees and bushes being blown by the strong wind. Not here. Today when the whole house started shaking and I heard dishes clattering and trembling in the china cabinet I looked outside to check out the wind. Nothing. Oh....I get it.....THIS is what an earthquake feels like. It was all over in seconds. 5.8, they said. Epicenter east of L.A. Now the local news is filled with people telling where they were and what they felt. The usual after-storm stories. One friend of mine in Chicago--a fellow news junkie like me--called me minutes after the quake to check on me. Thank you Trixie!!! I called Mr. Minivan at work and told him..."time to move." "Stop," he told me. He thinks I'm kidding. That's the funny part. Why would I want to live somewhere where, if the earthquakes don't get you, the fires and mudslides will? It's been a couple of years. We gave it a shot. We did the Disneyland thing, we've done the celebrity-spotting thing, now we've done the earthquake thing. Maybe this is a sign. Maybe it's time to get out. While we still have all of our dishes and mirrors.


Steve Willis said...

you've already gotten three of the biblical plagues and you want to move ?!? You should stick it out for rest of them.

Anonymous said...

I still choose earthquakes over, hurricanes, tornadoes, massive flooding, et all. Fires and mudslides are particular to the areas where people built their homes in stupid places. Canyons burn people! Canyons also have mudslides! Don't put your house next to a dry tinder like forest either. Common sense, really.

I don't have to shovel snow, worry about frost bite, lose my car to salt corrosion, etc. I love California!